WAX electronics

   WAX electronics is a small structure based in Carcassonne, France. Unlike super-factories and their fully automated production lines, our workshop is lead by artisanship and passion. This enables us to manually check each step of the manufacturing process and adjust every little detail. When it comes to electronics, it is pretty much a one man operation from the R&D to the assembly:

   “After my electronics degree, I started my professional career as an audio electronics specialist. From dimensioning stadium soundsystems to drum machine electronic design, I acquired a wide variety of skills and knowledge over the years. In parallel, my passion for music lead me to join a crew of well-established local DJs in 2006 and tour across France and Spain. After working many years for a high-end tube power amplifier / preamplifier manufacturer in Villedubert, I decided to fulfill my passion and launched my own designs.” Florian

   Although WAX electronics is a relatively new company, it’s mixers are already mature devices developed over several years. Besides the strict in-house testing, we are lucky to listen to our products through various audiophile or club soundsystems and collect plenty of valuable feedback from audio enthusiasts and local/international DJs.

   – Reach us by e-mail through the contact page.

Design Philosophy, Components

   Our motto is quite simple: engineering done right. We like to think that a design is complete not when there’s nothing more to add, but when there’s nothing left to take away, in strict conformity with our set of specifications. This strategy ensures optimized layouts and translates to very stable electronic circuitry, preserving signal integrity. We believe that a perfect component exists, not because it is available but because it is ideally sized for our application. All of our components are sourced directly from the manufacturer or from authorized EU distributors and we are 100% sure those are genuine parts.

   As an exemple, our Precision phono preamplifiers are not overly complex topologies but yet, meticulous choice of active and passive parts along with smart global implementation allowed us to reach noise and distorsion figures that can only be found on dedicated, rack sized high-end devices. At more than 90 dB of signal/noise ratio (12 mVrms ref, 20-20kHz BW, unweighted) and vanishing low THD+N, it becomes interesting to be able to instantly recognize the mastering engineer behind the record with a decent mm cartridge. 

   Another fundamental aspect of our design philosophy is durability. As mentioned above, every little detail is considered, and materials quality is no exception. Final assembly is handled by qualified technicians able to supervise the entire manufacturing process. At the absolute opposite of planned obsolescence, our goal is to build a product that will last several generations and to provide a highly reactive, effective customer service if ever needed.

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